H S Ravindra
- 08022178320
- ravindra[at]antrix[dot]co[dot]in

Major Areas For CSR Activities
- Sanitation-Household, School & Community Toilets
- Support to Differently Abled Persons
- Village Adoption
- Environment Related
- Drinking Water Supply
- Education
- Watershed Development
- Health Care
- 2020 - 2021 Rs : 708.00 Lakhs
- 2021 - 2022 Rs : 549.00 Lakhs
- 2022 - 2023 Rs : 293.25 Lakhs
Budget Allocated for CSR

Implementation Partners
- Sulabh International Social Service Organisation Development
- BAIF Development Research Foundation
- Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India
- Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health
- Women on Wings
- Ashoka Tree for Research in Ecology & Environment(ATREE)
- ISRO Units
- Inspector General of Prisons
- Care India
Contributions to National Development
- Clean Ganga River Fund
- National Sports Development Fund
- National Foundation for Communal Harmony
- Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund
- Armed Forces Flag day Fund
- Blind Organisation of India
Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan
Household Toilets
To bring about an improvement in the general quality of life in the rural areas, by promoting cleanliness, hygiene and eliminating open defecation
- Adopted bramhasandra village, tumkur district, karnataka and
- Melwa village, jodhpur district, rajasthan
- Improving the cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation facilities
- To bring behavioural change & cultural norms to prevent open defecation
- Community toilets wherever house hold sanitation not feasible
- Awareness creation on health care and use of toilets
Making Village Open Defetcation Free (ODF)
Sewage Treatment Plant
To promote treatment of wastewater and recycle for its usage in acute water shortage areas
- Treatment of sewage and used water through STP
- To augment the water resources
- To tackle the water especially in summer season
- Established in a residential orphanage school at bhalki, bidar
Combat acute water scarcity through recycling of waste water
To provide the basic facility of sanitation to the students, particularly girls of government schools of the rural areas and create awareness about cleanliness, hygiene and privacy
- To create awareness about sanitation and use of toilets
- To stop open defecation and maintain clean environment
- To inculcate cleanliness and hygiene aspects in the minds of the school children
- Implemented in kolar and chikkaballapur district, karnataka
Promote Cleanliness and Hygiene aspects to school children
Community Toilets
To promote cleanliness, Hygiene and eliminate open defecation in hospital premises, public places
- To provide community toilet complexes
- To provide facilities to patients and escorts
- To assist leading government hospital authorities for maintainence of the premises clean, hygienic and avoid contamination
- Implementation in district hospitals, tourist places, and public places
Promote Cleanliness and Hygiene aspects to school children
Model Village Development
ANTRIX adopts a drought prone, backward village, bramhasandra, in sira taluk, tumkur district, karnataka
Integrated and holistic approach involving development of livelihood and natural resources through BAIF-NGO
Activities Undertaken
- Rain water harvesting
- Household toilets
- Skill development
- Livestock health care and development
- Tank rejuvenation
- Education- anganavadi, school buildings
- Drainage line treatment
- Agro-forestry
- Income generating activities
- Solar street lights
- Compost manure, biogas
Integrated Mission for Sustainable Development
Health Care Support
Antrix has joined hands with Indira gandhi institute of child health and cure international to treat children affected by clubfoot deformity under CSR.
Club foot is a congenital deformity that twist the foot, ankle and toes. If not treated at an early stage, this deformity can lead to life time disability
- To support identifi cation of children affected by club foot in rural areas
- To Provide support for treatment of children
- Ultimate aim is to eradicate clubfoot deformity in karnataka
Bring in Positive Changes in the lives of affected Children
Support for Differently Abled Persons
Empowering the Persons with Disabilities (PwD’s)with appropriate Appliances and Devices to improve their quality of life
- To Identify and support re-habilitation of the physically challenged (Orthopedically, Visually and Hearing impaired) Persons
- Implemented through M/s. Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO)
- More than 1400 persons with disabilities from Hassan District, Karnataka and Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh have been benefitted
Drive towards Rehabilitation of the Physically Challenged Persons
Empowerment of Women
The program envisages catalyzing sustainable jobs and livelihood opportunities for rural women weavers in two clusters viz. Bagalkot and Hubli districts of Karnataka through Women on Wings and its business partner GoCoop. The activity would improve the socio- economic conditions and catalayse job opportunities by creating sustainable and scalable livelihood opportunities with measurable impact.
Contributions to the National Development
- The CSR activities supported by the Company, by way of financial contributions to the disaster relief and rehabilitation measures in the affected areas of Uttarakhand and Jammu & Kashmir States, are understood to have aided re-construction of dwellings of the displaced families, and restoring infrastructure.
- Financial contribution made towards maintaining the Communal Harmony would help the displaced persons and victims of communal disturbances, in finding avenues for supporting their education and vocation, and in-turn help in their re-habilitation.
- Financial Contribution made to River clean Ganga program under Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan and Ministry of Sports and Youth affairs for the development of Sports in the country.
Sujala Watershed Project
- Antrix has earlier played a vital role in the success of the Sujala Watershed Development Program implemented by Government of Karnataka, during 2002-14, in seven drought prone districts of the State. As an innovative approach, Antrix applied technologies like Satellite Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS) and Management Information System (MIS) to provide an up-to-date, reliable and accurate information for project management.
- The World Bank has richly acknowledged this approach developed by Antrix as a ‘Model of Excellence’, and has conferred the ‘Best Practice Award’ to the Project. Antrix has also received prestigious international and national awards for this study.