Remote Sensing Data and Services
Operational remote sensing data and services in India were initiated with the launch and commissioning of IRS-1A, the first operational Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) Satellite, in the year 1988. By then, India established an institutional mechanism in the country, namely National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) to drive the country to operationally utilize the data from these satellites. Since then, many IRS satellites were realised by India. Currently Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) operates four series of satellites namely, Resourcesat, RISAT, Cartosat, Oceansat. Meteorological services are provided through INSAT-3D/3DR satellites.
Antrix, the commercial arm of ISRO, makes the products and services emanating out of these satellites to International Users. Antrix has been providing IRS Satellite data to International users directly, or through resellers. Antrix also enables users to directly downlink the data at the user ground station. With 30 years of Applications in Remote Sensing, ISRO has developed a expertise to provide consultancy services to users in diversified field and Antrix could effectively provide these expertise consultancy to users.